Lecture 5: DLLists, Arrays
Summary of SLLists So Far
One Downside of SLLists
- Inserting at the back of an SLList is much slower than the front
Improvement #7: Fast addLast
- Suppose we want to support add, get, and remove operations, will having a
pointer result for fast operations on long lists?
Why a Last Pointer Isn't Enough
is not enough
- The
operation will still be slow. Requires setting the second to last node's pointer to null, and last
to the second to last node
Improvement #7: .last and ???
- We added .last. What other changes might we make so that remove is also fast?
- Add backwards links from every node
- This yields a "doubly linked list" or DLList, as opposed to our earlier "singly linked list" or SLList
Doubly Linked Lists (Naive)
- Reverse pointers allow all operations (add, get, remove) to be fast
- We call such a list a "doubly linked list" or DLList
- This approach has an annoying special case:
sometimes points to the sentinel, and sometimes points at a "real" node
Doubly Linked Lists (Double Sentinel)
- One solution: have two sentinels
- One that is always at the front and one that is always at the back
Doubly Linked Lists (Circular Sentinel)
- A single sentinel is both at the front and and the back
Improvement #8: Fancier Sentinel Nodes
- While fast, adding
and .prev
introduces lots of special cases
- To avoid these, either:
- Add an additional
sentinel at the end of the list
- Make your linked list circular (highly recommended for project 1), with a single sentinel in the middle
Generic Lists
Integer Only Lists
- One issue with our list classes: They only support integers
public class SLList<LochNess> {
private class StuffNode {
public LochNess item;
public StuffNode next;
public StuffNode(LochNess i, StuffNode n) {
item = i;
next = n;
private StuffNode first;
private int size;
public class SLListLauncher {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SLList<String> s1 = new SLList<>("bone");
- Java allows us to defer type selection until declaration
- Rules for project 1
- In the .java file implementing your data structure, specify your "generic type" only once at the very top of the file
- In the .java files that use your data structure, specify desired type once:
- Write out desired type during declaration
- Use the empty diamond operator <> during instantiation
- When declaring or instantiating your data structure, use the reference type:
- int: Integer
- double: Double
- char: Character
- boolean: Boolean
- long: Long
Array Overview
Getting Memory Boxes
- To store information, we need memory boxes, which we can get in Java by declaring variables or instantiating objects. Examples:
int x;
Walrus w1;
Walrus w2 = new Walrus(30, 5.6);
- Arrays are a special kind of object which consists of a numbered sequence of memory boxes
- To get ith item of array A, use A[i]
- Unlike class instances which have named memory boxes
- Arrays consist of:
- A fixed integer length
- A sequence of N memory boxes where N=length such that:
- All of the boxes hold the same type of value (and have the same # of bits)
- The boxes are numbered 0 through length-1
- Like instances of class:
- You get one reference when it's created
- If you reassign all variables containing that reference, you can never get the array back
- Unlike classes, arrays do not have methods
- Like classes, arrays are instantiated with
- Three valid notations:
y = new int[3];
- Creates array containing 3 int boxes (32 x 3 = 96 bits total)
- Each container gets a default value
- The default value for
is 0
- The default value for
is null
(holds string references)
x = new int[]{1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
int[] w = {9, 10, 11, 12, 13};
- Can omit the new if you are also declaring a variable
- All three notations create an array, which we saw on the last side comprises:
- A length field
- A sequence of No boxes where N = length
Array Basics:
int[] z = null;
int[] x, y;
x = new int[]{1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
y = x;
x = new int[]{-1, 2, 5, 4, 99};
y = new int[3];
z = new int[0];
int xL = x.length;
String[] s = new String[6];
s[4] = "ketchup";
s[x[3] - x[1]] = "muffins";
int[] b = {9, 10, 11};
System.arraycopy(b, 0, x, 3, 2);
Array Copy
- Two ways to copy arrays:
- Item by item using a loop
- Using arraycopy. Takes 5 parameters:
- Source array
- Start position in source
- Target array
- Start position in target
- Number to copy
System.arraycopy(b, 0, x, 3, 2);
(In Python): x[3:5] = b[0:2]
- arraycopy is (likely to be) faster, particularly for larger arrays. Comre compact code
- Code is (arguably) harder to read
2D Arrays
Arrays of Array Addresses
int[][] pascalsTriangle;
pascalsTriangle = new int[4][];
int[] rowZero = pascalsTriangle[0];
pascalsTriangle[0] = new int[]{1};
pascalsTriangle[1] = new int[]{1, 1};
pascalsTriangle[2] = new int[]{1, 2, 1};
pascalsTriangle[3] = new int[]{1, 3, 3, 1};
int[] rowTwo = pascalsTriangle[2];
rowTwo[1] = -5;
int[][] matrix;
matrix = new int[4][];
matrix = new int[4][4];
int[][] pascalAgain = new int[][]{{1}, {1, 1}, {1, 2, 1}, {1, 3, 3, 1}};
- Syntax for arrays of arrays can be a bit confounding. You'll learn through practice
int[][] pascalsTriangle;
- Array of int array references
pascalsTriangle = new int[4][];
- Create four boxes, each can store an int array reference
pascalsTriangle[2] = new int[]{1, 2, 1};
- Create a new array with three boxes, storing integers 1, 2, 1, respectively. Store a reference to this array in pascalsTriangle in box #2
matrix = new int[4][];
matrix = new int[4][4];
Arrays vs. Classes
Arrays vs. Classes
- Arrays and Classes can both be used to organize a bunch of memory boxes
- Array boxes are accessed using [] notation
- Class boxes are accessed using dot notation
- Array boxes must all be of the same type
- Class boxes may be of different types
- Both have a fixed number of boxes
- Array indices can be computed at runtime
- Class member variable names CANNOT be computed and used at runtime
- Dot notation does not work
- [] notation also does not work
Another view
- The only (easy) way to access a member of a class is with hard-coded dot notation
int k = x[indexOfInterest];
double m = p.fieldOfInterest; // Won't work
double z = p[fieldOfInterest]; // Won't work
// No (sane) way to use field of interest
double w = p.mass; // Works fine