Lecture 6: ALists, Resizing, vs. SLists
A Last Look at Linked Lists
Doubly Linked Lists
- Through various improvements, we made all of the following operations fast:
addFirst, addLast
getFirst, getLast
removeFirst, removeLast
Arbitrary Retrieval
- Suppose we added
get(int i)
, which returns the ith item from the list
- Why would
be slow for long lists compared to getLast()
? For what inputs?
- Have to scan to desired position. Slow for any
not near the sentinel node
- How to fix this?
- For now: We'll take a different tack: Using an array instead (no links!)
Naive Array Lists
Random Access in Arrays
- Retrieval from any position of an array is very fast
- Independent of array size
- 61C Preview: Ultra fast random access results from the fact that memory boxes are the same size (in bits)
Our Goal: AList.java
- Want to figure out how to build an array version of a list:
- In lecture we'll only do back operations
public class AList {
private int[] items;
private int size;
/** Creates an empty list. */
public AList() {
items = new int[100];
size = 0;
/** Inserts X into the back of the list */
public void addLast(int x) {
items[size] = x;
size = size + 1;
/** Returns the item from the back of the list. */
public int getLast() {
return items[size-1];
/** Gets the ith item from the List (0 is the front) */
public int get(int i) {
return items[i];
/** Returns the number of items in the list. */
public int size() {
return size;
Naive AList Code
- AList Invariants:
- The position of the next item to be inserted is always
is always the number of items in the AList
- The last item in the list is always in position
size - 1
- Let's now discuss delete operations
The Abstract vs. the Concrete
- When we
, which memory boxes need to change? To what?
- User's mental model: {5, 3, 1, 7, 22, -1} -> {5, 3, 1, 7, 22}
- Actual truth:
- When we
, which memory boxes need to change? To what?
public class AList {
private int[] items;
private int size;
/** Creates an empty list. */
public AList() {
items = new int[100];
size = 0;
/** Inserts X into the back of the list */
public void addLast(int x) {
items[size] = x;
size = size + 1;
/** Returns the item from the back of the list. */
public int getLast() {
return items[size-1];
/** Gets the ith item from the List (0 is the front) */
public int get(int i) {
return items[i];
/** Returns the number of items in the list. */
public int size() {
return size;
/** Deletes item from back of the list and returns deleted item */
public int removeLast() {
int x = getLast();
items[size-1] = 0; // Not necessary to preserve invariants -> not necessary for correctness
size = size - 1;
return x;
Resizing Arrays
The Mighty AList
- Key Idea: Use some subset of the entries of an array
- What happens if we insert more than 100 items in AList? What should we do about it?
Array Resizing
- When the array gets too full, e.g. addLast(11), just make a new array:
int[] a = new int[size+1];
a[size] = 11;
items = a; size += 1;
- We call this process "resizing"
- Let's implement the resizing capability
public class AList {
private int[] items;
private int size;
/** Creates an empty list. */
public AList() {
items = new int[100];
size = 0;
/** Resizes the underlying array to the target capacity */
private void resize(int capacity) {
int[] a = new int[capacity]
System.arraycopy(items, 0, a, 0, size);
items = a;
/** Inserts X into the back of the list */
public void addLast(int x) {
if (size == items.length) {
resize(size + 1);
items[size] = x;
size = size + 1;
/** Returns the item from the back of the list. */
public int getLast() {
return items[size-1];
/** Gets the ith item from the List (0 is the front) */
public int get(int i) {
return items[i];
/** Returns the number of items in the list. */
public int size() {
return size;
/** Deletes item from back of the list and returns deleted item */
public int removeLast() {
int x = getLast();
items[size-1] = 0; // Not necessary to preserve invariants -> not necessary for correctness
size = size - 1;
return x;
Basic Resizing Analysis
Runtime and Space Usage Analysis
- Suppose we have a full array of size 100. If we can
two times, how many total array memory boxes will we need to create and fill?
Array Resizing
- Resizing twice requires us to create and fill 203 total memory boxes
- Most boxes at any one time is 203
Runtime and Space Usage Analysis
- Suppose we have a full array of size 100. If we call
until size = 1000
, roughly how many total memory boxes will we need to create and fill?
- Answer: 101 + 102 + ... + 1000 = approximately 500000
Resizing Slowness
- Inserting 100,000 items requires rought 5,000,000,000 new containers
- Computers operate at the speed of GHz
- No huge surprise that 100,000 items took seconds
- Our resizing for ALists is done in linear time
Making AList Fast
public class AList {
private int[] items;
private int size;
/** Creates an empty list. */
public AList() {
items = new int[100];
size = 0;
/** Resizes the underlying array to the target capacity */
private void resize(int capacity) {
int[] a = new int[capacity]
System.arraycopy(items, 0, a, 0, size);
items = a;
/** Inserts X into the back of the list */
public void addLast(int x) {
if (size == items.length) {
resize(size * 2); // A subtle fix!!!
items[size] = x;
size = size + 1;
/** Returns the item from the back of the list. */
public int getLast() {
return items[size-1];
/** Gets the ith item from the List (0 is the front) */
public int get(int i) {
return items[i];
/** Returns the number of items in the list. */
public int size() {
return size;
/** Deletes item from back of the list and returns deleted item */
public int removeLast() {
int x = getLast();
items[size-1] = 0; // Not necessary to preserve invariants -> not necessary for correctness
size = size - 1;
return x;
(Probably) Surprising Fact
- Geometric resizing is much faster: Just how much better will have to wait
public void addLast(int x) {
if (size == items.length) {
resize(size * 2); // A subtle fix!!!
items[size] = x;
size = size + 1;
- This is how Python lists are implemented
- Suppose we have a very rare situation occurs which causes us to:
- Insert 1,000,000,000 items
- Then remove 990,000,000 items
- Our data structure will handle this spike of evens as well as it could, but afterwards there is a problem
Memory Efficiency
- An AList should not only be efficient in time, but also efficient in space
- Define the "usage ratio" R = size / items.length;
- Typical solution: Half array size when R < 0.25
- More details in a few weeks
- Later we will consider tradeoffs between time and space efficiency for a variety of algorithms and data structures
Generic AList
There's a Problem
- Generic arrays are not allowed :((
- Here's our fix
public class AList<Item> {
private Item[] items;
private int size;
/** Creates an empty list. */
public AList() {
items = (Item[]) new Object[100];
size = 0;
/** Resizes the underlying array to the target capacity */
private void resize(int capacity) {
Item[] a = (Item[]) new Object[capacity]
System.arraycopy(items, 0, a, 0, size);
items = a;
/** Inserts X into the back of the list */
public void addLast(int x) {
if (size == items.length) {
resize(size * 2); // A subtle fix!!!
items[size] = x;
size = size + 1;
/** Returns the item from the back of the list. */
public Item getLast() {
return items[size-1];
/** Gets the ith item from the List (0 is the front) */
public Item get(int i) {
return items[i];
/** Returns the number of items in the list. */
public int size() {
return size;
/** Deletes item from back of the list and returns deleted item */
public Item removeLast() {
int x = getLast();
items[size-1] = null;
size = size - 1;
return x;
Generic ALists (similar to generic SLists)
- When creating an array of references to Glorps:
(Glorp[]) new Object[cap];
- Causes a compiler warning, which you should ignore
- Why not just
new Glorp[cap]
- Will cause a "generic array creation" error
Nulling Out Deleted Items
- Unlike integer based ALists, we actually want to null out deleted items
- Java only destroys unwanted objects when the last reference has been lost
- Keeping references to unneeded objects is sometimes called loitering
- Save memory. Don't loiter