Lecture 15: Asymptotics II
Loops Example 1: Based on Exact Count
- Find order of growth of worst case runtime:
int N = A.length;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i += 1)
for (int j = i + 1; j < N; j += 1)
if (A[i] == A[j])
return true;
return false;
- Worst case number of
- Given by area of right triangle of side length N-1
- Area is Theta(N^2)
Loops Example 2
int N = A.length;
for (int i = 1; i < N; i = i * 2)
for (int j = 0; j < i; j += 1)
int ZUG = 1 + 1;
return false;
- C(N) = 1 + 2 + 4 + ... + N = 2N - 1, if N is a power of 2
- Number of prints lies between 0.5N and 2N
- The runtime complexity is, in fact, Theta(N)
No Magic Shortcut
Repeat After Me...
- There is no magic shortcut for these problems (well... usually)
- Runtime analysis often requires careful thought
- CS70 and CS170 will cover this in much more detail
- This is not a math class, we expect you to know these:
- 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + N = N(N+1)/2 = Theta(N^2)
- 1 + 2 + 4 + ... + N = 2N - 1 = Theta(N) (Where N is a power of 2)
- Strategies:
- Find exact sum
- Write out examples
- Draw pictures
- Use geometric intuition
Recursion (Intuitive)
public static int f3(int n) {
if (n <= 1)
return 1;
return f3(n-1) + f3(n-1);
- Our time complexity is Theta(2^N)
- Every time we increase N by 1, we double the work!
Recursion and Exact Counting
- Another approach: count number of calls to f3, given by C(N)
- C(1) = 1
- C(2) = 1 + 2
- C(N) = 1 + 2 + 4 + ... + 2^(N-1) = 2(2^(N-1)) - 1 = 2^N - 1
- Since work during each call is constant:
Recursion and Recurrence Relations
- Count number of calls to f3, by a "recurrence relation"
- C(1) = 1
- C(N) = 2C(N-1) + 1
- More technical to solve. Won't do this in our course
Binary Search
Binary Search Intuitive
- Finding a key in a sorted array
- Compare key against middle entry
- Too small, go left
- Too big, go right
- Equal, found
- The runtime of binary search is Theta(log_2(N))
- Why? Problem size halves over and over until it gets down to 1
Binary Search Exact Count
- Find worst case runtime for binary search
- What is C(6), number of total calls for N = 6?
- Three total calls, where N = 6, N = 3, and N = 1
- C(N) = floor(log_2(N)) + 1
- Since compares take constant time, R(N) = Theta(floor(log_2(N)))
- This f(N) is way too complicated. Let's simplify.
- Three useful properties:
- floor(f(N)) = Theta(f(N))
- The floor of f has the same order of growth as f
- ceiling(f(N)) = Theta(f(N))
- The ceiling of f has the same order of growth as f
- log_p(N) = Theta(log_q(N))
- logarithm base does not affect order of growth
- Hence, floor(log_2(N)) = Theta(log N)
- Since each call takes constant time, R(N) = Theta(log N)
Binary Search (using Recurrence Relations)
- C(0) = 0
- C(1) = 1
- C(N) = 1 + C((N-1)/2)
Log Time is Really Terribly Fast
- In practice, logarithm time algorithms have almost constant runtimes
- Even for incredibly huge datasets, practically equivalent to constant time
Merge Sort
Selection Sort: A Prelude to Mergesort
- Earlier in class we discussed a sort called selection sort:
- Find the smallest unfixed item, move it to the front, and "fix" it
- Sort the remaining unfixed items using selection sort
- Runtime of selection sort is Theta(N^2)
- Look at all N unfixed items to find smallest
- The look at N-1 remaining unfixed
- ...
- Look at last two unfixed items
- Done, sum 2+3+4+5+...+N = Theta(N^2)
- Given that runtime is quadratic, for N = 64, we might say the runtime for selection sort is 2048 arbitrary units of time (AU)
The Merge Operation
- Given two sorted arrays, the merge operation combines them into a single sorted array by successively copying the smallest item from the two arrays into a target array
- What is the time complexity of the merge operation?
- Theta(N)
- Why? Use array writes as cost model, merge does exactly N writes
Using Merge to Speed Up the Sorting Process
- Merging can give us an improvement over vanilla selection sort:
- Selection sort the left half: Theta(N^2)
- Selection sort the right half: Theta(N^2)
- Merge the results: Theta(N)
- N = 64: ~1088 AU
- Merge: ~64 AU
- Selection sort: ~2*512 = ~1024 AU
- Still Theta(N^2), but faster since N + 2*(N/2)^2 < N^2
Two Merge Layers
- Can do even better by adding a second layer of merges
- Two layers of merges: ~640 AU
Example 5: Mergesort
- Mergesort does merges all the way down (no selection sort):
- If array is of size 1, return
- Mergesort the left half
- Mergesort the right half
- Merge the results
- Total runtime to merge all the way down: ~384 AU
- Top layer: ~64 = 64 AU
- Second layer: ~32 * 2 = 64 AU
- Third layer: ~16 * 4 = 64 AU
- Overall runtime in AU is ~64k, where k is the number of layers
- k = log_2(64) = 6, so ~384 total AU
Mergesort Order of Growth
- Mergesort has worst case runtime = Theta(N log N)
- Every level takes ~N AU
- Top level takes ~N AU
- Top level takes ~N/2 + N/2 = ~N
- etc. etc.
- Thus, total runtime is ~Nk, where k is the number of levels
- Overall runtime is Theta(N log N)
Linear vs. Linearithmic (N log N) vs Quadratic
- N log N is basically as good as N, and is vastly better than N^2
- For N = 1000000, the log N is only 20
- Theoretical analysis of algorithm performance requires careful thought
- There are no magic shortcuts for analyzing code
- In our course, it's OK to do exact counting or intuitive analysis
- Know how to sum 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + N and 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + N
- We won't be writing mathematical proofs in this class
- Many runtime problems you'll do in this class resemble one of the five problems from today. See textbook, study guide, and discussion for more practice
- This topic has one of the highest skill ceilings of all topics in the course
- Different solutions to the same problem may have different runtimes
- N^2 vs. N log N is an enormous difference
- Going from N log N to N is nice, but not a radical change