Lecture 16: ADTs, Sets, Maps, Binary Search Trees
Abstract Data Types
Abstract Data Types (ADT)
- An Abstract Data Type (ADT) is defined only by its operations, not by its implementation
- Deque ADT:
- addFirst
- addLast
- isEmpty
- size
- printDeque
- removeFirst
- removeLast
- get
Another example of an ADT: The Stack
- The Stack ADT supports the following operations
- push(int x): Puts x on top of the stack
- int pop(): Removes and returns the top item from the stack
- Which implementation do you think would result in faster overall performance?
- Both are about hte same. No resizing for linked lists, so probably a little faster
GrabBag ADT
- The GrabBag ADT supports the following operations:
- insert(int x): Inserts x into the grab bag
- int remove(): Removes a random item from the bag
- int sample(): Samples a random item from the bag
- int size(): Number of items in the bag
- In this case, Array will result in faster performance than Linked List
Abstract Data Types in Java
- Syntax differentiation between abstract data types and implementations
- Interfaces in Java aren't purely abstract and can contain some implementation details, e.g. default methods
- Example:
List<Integer> L = new ArrayList<>();
- Among the most important features in java.util library are those that extend the Collection interface
- Lists of things
- Sets of things
- Mappings between items
- Maps also known as associate arrays, associative lists, symbol tables, dictionaries
Java Libraries
- The built-in java.util package provides a number of useful:
- Interfaces: ADTs (lists, sets, maps, priority queues, etc)
- Implementations: Concrete classes you can use
Binary Search Trees
AnLysis of an OrderedLinkedListSet
- We implemented a set based on unordered arrays. For the order linked list set implementation, name an operation that takes worst case linear time, i.e. Theta(N)
- Both
and add
will take linear time
- Fundamental Problem: Slow search, even though it's in order
- Add (random) express lanes. Skip List (won't discuss in 61B)
Optimization: Change the Entry Point
- Fundamental Problem: Slow search, even though it's in order
- Move pointer to middle and flip left links. Halved search time!
- How do we do even better?
BST Definitions
- A tree consists of
- A set of nodes
- A set of edges that connect those nodes
- Constraint: There is exactly one path between any two nodes
Rooted Trees and Rooted Binary Trees
- In a rooted tree, we call one node the root
- Every node N except the root has exactly one parent, defined as the first node on the path from N to the root
- A node with no child is called a leaf
- In a rooted binary tree, every node has either 0, 1, or 2 children (subtrees)
Binary Search Trees
- A binary search tree is a rooted binary tree with the BST property
- BST Property. For every node X in the tree
- Every key in the left subtree is less than X's key
- Every key in the right subtree is greater than X's tree
- Ordering must be complete, transitive, and antisymmetric. Given keys p and q:
- Exactly one of p < q and q < p are true
- p < q and q < r implies p < r
- One consequence of these rules: No duplicate keys allowed!
- Keep things simple. Most real world implementations follow this rule
BST Operations: Search
Finding a searchKey in a BST
- If searchKey returns T.key, return
- If searchKey < T.key, search T.left
- If searchKey > T.key, search T.right
static BST find(BST T, key sk) {
if (T == null)
return null;
if (sk.equals(T.key))
return T;
else if (sk < T.key)
return find(T.left, sk);
return find(T.right, sk);
- What is the runtime to complete a search on a "bushy" BST in the worst case, where N is the number of nodes?
- Answer is Theta(log N)
- Height of the tree is ~log_2(N)
- Bushy BSTs are extremely fast
- Much computation is dedicated towards finding things in response to queries
- It's a good thing that we can do such queries almost for free
BST Operations: Insert
Inserting a new key into a BST
- Search for key
- If found, do nothing
- If not found
- Create a new node
- Set appropriate link
static BST insert(BST T, Key ik) {
if (T == null)
return new BST(ik);
if (ik < T.key)
T.left = insert(T.left, ik);
else if (ik > T.key)
T.right = insert(T.right, ik);
return T;
BST Operation: Delete
Deleting from a BST
- 3 Cases:
- Deletion key has no children
- Deletion key has one child
- Deletion key has two children
Case 1: Deleting from a BST: Key with no Children
- Deletion key has no children
- Just sever hte parent's link
- Garbage collected
Case 2: Deleting from a BST: Key with one Child
- Goal: Maintain BST property
- Key's child definitely larger than parent
- Safe to just move that child into key's spot
- Thus: Move key's parent's pointer to key's child
- Key will be garbage collected (along with its instance variables)
Case 3: Deleting from a BST: Deletion with two Children
- Goal:
- Find a new root node
- Must be > than everything in left subtree
- Must be < than everything in right subtree
- Choose either predecessor or successor
- Delete predecessor (the largest key smaller than the removed key) or successor (the smallest key larger than the removed key), and stick new copy in the root position
- This deletion guaranteed to be either case 1 or 2
- This strategy is sometimes known as "Hibbard deletion"
Sets vs. Maps, Summary
Sets vs. Maps
- Can think of the BST as representing a Set
- But what if we wanted to represent a mapping of word counts?
- To represent maps, just have each BST node store key/value pairs
- Note: No efficient way to look up by value
- Example: Cannot find all the keys with value = 1 without iterating over ALL nodes. This is fine.
- Abstract data types are defined in terms of operations, not implementation
- Several useful ADTs: Disjoint Sets, Map, Set, List
- Java provides Map, Set, List interfaces, along with several implementations
- We've seen two ways to implement a Set (or Map): ArraySet and using a BST
- ArraySet: Theta(N) operations in the worst case
- BST: Theta(log N) operations if tree is balanced
- BST implementations:
- Search and insert are straightforward (but insert is a little tricky)
- Deletion is more challenging. Typical approach is "Hibbard deletion"
BST Implementation Tips
Tips for BST Lab
- Code from class was "naked recursion". Your BSTMap will not be
- For each public method, e.g. put(K key, V value), create a private recursive method, e.g. put(K key, V value, Node n)
- When inserting, always set left/right pointers, even if nothing is actually changing
- Avoid "arms length base cases". Don't check if left or right is null!
CSM Review
- A list is an ordered sequence of items: like an array, but without worrying about the length or size
interface List<E> {
boolean add(E element);
void add(int index, E element);
E get(int index);
int size();
- Maps (Dictionary)
- Notes:
- Keys are unique
- Values don't have to be unique
- Key lookup: O(1)
- A map is a collection of key-value mappings, like a dictionary in Python
- Like a set, the keys in a map are unique
interface Map<K, V> {
V put(K key, V value);
V get(K key);
boolean containsKey(Object key);
Set<K> keySet();
- Sets
- Notes:
- Unordered collection of unique items
- Set operations are O(1)
- A set is an unordered collection of unique elements
interface Set<E> {
boolean add(E element);
boolean contains(Object object);
int size();
boolean remove(Object object);