Lecture 18: Red Black Trees
The Bad News
- 2-3 trees (and 2-3-4 trees) are a real pain to implement, and suffer from performance problems. Issues include:
- Maintaining different node types
- Interconversion of nodes between 2-nodes and 3-nodes
- Walking up the tree to split nodes
BST Structure and Tree Rotation
- Suppose we have a BST with the numbers 1, 2, 3. Five possible BSTs
- The specific BST you get is based on the insertion order
- More generally, for N items, there are Catalan(N) different BSTs
- Given any BST, it is possible to move to a different configuration using "rotation"
- In general, can move from any configuration to any other in 2n - 6 rotations
Tree Rotation Definition
- rotateLeft(G): Let x be the right child of G. Make G the new left child of x
- Preserves search tree property. No change to semantics of tree
- Can think of as temporarily G and P, then sending G down and left
- rotateRight(P): Let x be the left child of P. Make P the new right child of x
- Can think of as temporarily merging G and P, then sending P down and right
Rotation for Balance
- Rotation:
- Can shorten (or lengthen) a tree
- Preserves search tree property
Rotation: An Alternate Approach to Balance
- Rotation:
- Can shorten (or lengthen) a tree
- Preserves search tree property
- Paying O(n) to occasionally balance a tree is not ideal. In this lecture, we''l see a better way to achieve balance through rotation
Red-Black Trees
Search Trees
- There are many types of search trees:
- Binary search trees: Can balance using rotation, but we have no algorithms for doing so (yet)
- 2-3 trees: Balanced by construction, i.e. no rotations required
- Let's try something clever, but strange
- Our goal: Build a BST that is structurally identical to a 2-3 tree
- Since 2-3 trees are balanced, so will our special BSTs.
Representing a 2-3 Tree as a BST
- A 2-3 tree with only 2-nodes is trivial
- What do we do about 3-nodes?
- Possibility 1: Create dummy "glue" nodes
- Result is inelegant. Wasted link. Code will be ugly
- Possibility 2: Create "glue" links with the smaller item off to the left
- Idea is commonly used in practice
Left-Leaning Red Black Binary Search Tree (LLRB)
- A BST with left glue links that represent a 2-3 tree is often called a
"Left Leaning Red Black Binary Search Tree" or LLRB
- LLRBs are normal BSTs
- There is a 1-1 correspondence between an LLRB and an equivalent 2-3 tree
- The red is just a convenient fiction. Red links don't "do" anything special
Red Black Tree Properties
Left-Leaning Red Black Binary Search Tree (LLRB)
- Searching an LLRB tree for a key is easy
- Treat it exactly like any BST
Left-Leaning Red Black Binary Search Tree (LLRB) Properties
- Some handy LLRB properties:
- No node has two red links [otherwise it'd be analogous to a 4 node, which are disallowed in 2-3 trees]
- Every path from root to a leaf has same number of black links [because 2-3 trees have the same number of links to every leaf]. LLRBs are therefore balanced
- Logarithmic height
LLRB Construction
- Where do LLRBs come from?
- Would not make sense to build a 2-3 tree, then convert it
- Instead, it turns out we implement an LLRB insert as follows:
- Insert as usual into a BST
- Use zero or more rotations to maintain the 1-1 mapping
Maintaining 1-1 Correspondence Through Rotations
The 1-1 Mapping
- There exists a 1-1 mapping between:
- Implementation of an LLRB is based on maintaining this 1-1 correspondence
- When performing LLRB operations, pretend like you're a 2-3 tree
- Preservation of the correspondence will involve tree rotations
Design Task 1: Insertion Color
- Always use a red link when adding onto a leaf
Design Task 2: Insertion on the Right
- Right links aren't allowed, so rotateLeft
- Likewise, left links aren't allowed, so rotateRight
New Rule: Representation of Temporary 4-Nodes
- We will represent temporary 4-nodes as BST nodes with two red links
- This state is only temporary, so temporary violation of "left leaning" is ok
Design Task 3: Double insertion on the left
- When double inserting on the left, rotate the node to the right
Design Task 4: Splitting Temporary 4-nodes
- Suppose we have the LLRB includes a temporary 4 node
- To fix this, flip the colors of all edges touching the node
- Note: This doesn't change the BST structure/shape
That's it!
- We've just invented the red-black BST
- When inserting: Use a red link
- If there is a right leaning "3-node", we have a Left Leaning Violation
- Rotate left the appropriate node to fix
- If there are two consecutive left links, we have an Incorrect 4 Node VIolation
- Rotate right the appropriate node to fix
- If there are any nodes with two red children, we have a Temporary 4 Node
- Color flip the node to emulate the split operation
- Cascading operations
- It is possible that a rotation or flip operation will cause an additional violation that needs fixing
LLRB Runtime and Implementation
LLRB Runtime
- The runtime analysis for LLRBs is simple if you trust the 2-3 tree runtime
- LLRB tree has height O(log N)
- Contains is trivially O(log N)
- Insert is O(log N)
- O(log N) to add the new node
- O(log N) rotation and color flip operations per insert
- We will not discuss LLRB delete
- Not too terrible really, but it's just not interesting enough to cover. See optional textbook if you're curious
LLRB Implementation
- Amazingly, turning BST into an LLRB requires only 3 clever lines of code
- Does not include helper methods (which do not require cleverness)
Search Tree Summary
Search Tree
- In the last 3 lectures, we talked about using search trees to implement sets/maps
- Binary search trees are simple, but they are subject to imbalance
- 2-3 Trees (B Trees) are balanced, but painful to implement and relatively slow
- LLRBs insertion is simple to implement (but delete is hard)
- Works by maintaining mathematical bijection with a 2-3 trees
- Java's TreeMap is a red-black tree (not left leaning)
- Maintains correspondence with 2-3-4 tree (is not a 1-1 correspondence)
- Allows glue links on either side
- More complex implementation, but significantly faster
- There are many other types of search trees out there
- Other self balancing trees: AVL trees, splay trees, treaps, etc.
- There are other efficient ways to implement sets and maps entirely
- Other linked structures: Skip lists are linked lists with express lanes
- Other ideas entirely: Hashing is the most common alternative. We'll discuss this idea in the next lecture
CSM Review
- B is for balanced
- Some definitions:
- depth of a node is distance to the root (the root node has depth 0)
- height of a tree is the depth of the lowest leaf
- Purpose of B-trees:
- Avoids spindly trees
- Keeps the tree with height log(n)
2-3 Trees
- Each non-leaf node can have 2 or 3 children
- Each node can be stuffed with at most 2 values
- Once a node is overstuffed (aka 3 values), push middle value up
2-3-4 Trees
- Same idea as 2-3 trees, but now nodes can have 2, 3, or 4 children
- A node is overstuffed if it has 4 values
- Push up left-middle node
- Level-Order Traversals: Nodes are visited top-to-bottom, left-to-right
- Depth-First Traversals: Visit deep nodes before shallow ones
- In-order Traversal: LFR - "Left, Functionality, Right"
- In a BST, this produces a sorted list of nodes in the tree (an in-order traversal that is "depth-first search")
Rotating Nodes
- Imagine a circle around the node you rotate around and its child nodes
- "Pull" everything around in the direction you want to rotate
- Rotations do not change the in-order traversal
Left-Leaning Red Black Trees
- A binary search tree
- Has a 1-1 correlation with 2-3 trees
- Values that are stuffed into one node are now connected with red links
- Invariant: all red edges lean to the left
- Fix by rotation/color swap
- Insert nodes with a red link (in a 2-3 tree we stuff values in a leaf node)
Tree Traversals
- Depth First Search means we visit each subtree in some order recursively
- Usually done with a stack
- Pre Order
- visit self, visit left, visit right
- visit parent node before visiting child nodes
- Post Order
- visit left, visit right, visit self
- visit left child, then parent, then right child
- Can be done with a stack
- In Order
- visit left, visit self, visit right
- visit child nodes before visiting parent nodes
- Level Order (Breadth First Search)
- Visit in order of tree levels
- Iterative search!
- Usually done with a queue