Lecture 19: Multidimensional Data
Range-Finding and Nearest
Search Trees
- We've seen three different implementations of a Map
- 2-3 / B-Tree
- Red Black Tree
- "search tree" data structures support very fast insert, remove, and delete operations for arbitrary amounts of data
- Requires that data can be compared to each other with some total order
- We used the "Comparable" interface as our comparison engine
Expanding the Power of our Set
- There are other operations we might want to include:
select(int i)
: Returns the ith smallest element in the set
rank(T x)
: Returns the "rank" of x
subSet(T from, T to)
: returns all items between from
and to
nearest(T x)
: Returns the value closest to x
Implementing Fancier Set Operations with a BST
- It turns out that a BST can efficiently support the
, rank
, subSet
, and nearest
- How would you find
- Just search for
and record closest item seen
- Exploits the BST structure
Sets and Maps on 2D Data
- So far we've only discussed "one dimensional data". That is, all data could be compared under some total order
- But not all data can be compared along a single dimension
- We'll see that search trees require some design tweaks to function efficiently on multi-dimensional data
Multi-Dimensional Data
Motivation: 2D Range Finding and Nearest Neighbors
- Suppose we want to perform operations on a set of Body objects in 2D space
- 2D range searching: How many objects are in a highlighted rectangle
- Nearest: What is the closest object?
- Ideally, we'd like to store our data in a format that allows more efficient approaches than just iterating over all objects
- It's difficult to build a BST of 2 dimensional data
- Difficult to compare objects, lose some information about ordering
The QuadTree
- A QuadTree is the simplest solution conceptually
- Every Node four children
- Top left (northwest)
- Top right (northeast)
- Bottom left (southwest)
- Bottom right (southeast)
- Just like a BST, insertion order determines the topology of a QuadTree
- Quadtrees are a form of "spatial partitioning"
- Quadtrees: Each node "owns" 4 subspaces
- Space is more finely divided in regions where there are more points
- Results in better runtime in many circumstances
QuadTree Range Search
- Quadtrees allow us to prune when performing a rectangle search
- Simple idea: Prune subspaces that don't intersect the query rectangle
Higher Dimensional Data
3D Data
- Suppose we want to store objects in 3D space
- Quadtrees have only four directions, but in 3D, there are 8
- One approach: Use an Oct-tree or Octree
- Very widely used in practice
Even Higher Dimensional Space
- You may want to organize data on a larger number of dimensions
- In these cases, one somewhat common solution is a k-d tree
- Fascinating data structure that handles arbitrary numbers of dimensions
- k-d means "k dimensional"
- For the sake of simplicity, we'll use 2D data, but the idea generalizes naturally
K-d Trees
- k-d tree example for 2-d
- Basic idea, root node partitions entire space into left and right (by x)
- All depth 1 nodes partition subspace into up and down (by y)
- All depth 2 nodes partition subspace into left and right (by x)
- And continue alternating down the depth of the tree
- To break ties, we'll say items that are equal in one dimension go off to the right (or up) child of each node
- Each point owns 2 subspaces
K-d Trees and Nearest Neighbor
- You can simplify code by only measuring the length of vertical/horizontal lines instead of diagonal hypotenuses.
- Optimization: Do not explore subspaces that can't possibly have a better answer than your current best
Nearest Pseudocode
- nearest(Node n, Point goal, Node best):
- If n is null, return best
- If n.distance(goal) < best.distance(goal), best = n
- If goal < n (according to n's comparator):
- goodSide = n."left"Child
- badSide = n."right"Child
- else:
- goodSide = n."right"Child
- badSide = n."left"Child
- best = nearest(goodSide, goal, best)
- If bad side could still have something useful
- best = nearest(badSide, goal, best)
- return best
- Not based on a tree at all
- Simplest idea: Partition space into uniform rectangular buckets (also called "bins")
- Algorithm is still Theta(N), but it's faster than iterating over all the points
- All of our approaches today boil down to spatial partitioning
- Uniform partitioning (perfect grid of rectangles)
- Quadtrees and KdTrees: Hierarchical partitioning
- Each node "owns" 4 and 2 subspaces, respectively
- Space is more finely divided into subspaces when there are more points
- Uniform partitioning is easier to implement than a QuadTree or Kd-Tree
- May be good enough for many applications
Summary and Applications
Multi-Dimensional Data Summary
- Multidimensional data has interesting operations:
- The most common approach is spatial partitioning:
- Uniform Partitioning: Analogous to hashing
- QuadTree: Generalized 2D BST where each node "owns" 4 subspaces
- K-d Tree: Generalized k-d BST where each node "owns" 2 subspaces
- Dimension of ownership cycles with each level of depth in tree
- Spatial partitioning allows for pruning of the search space