Lecture 23: Tree and Graph Traversals
Trees and Traversals
Tree Definition
- A tree consists of:
- A set of nodes
- A set of edges that connect those nodes
- Constraint: There is exactly one path between any two nodes
Rooted Trees Definition
- A rooted tree is a tree where we've chosen one node as the "root"
- Every node N except the root has exactly one parent, defined as the first node on the path from N to the root
- A node with no child is called a leaf
- Trees are a more general concept
- Organizational charts
- Family lineages
Example: File Tree System
- Sometimes you want to iterate over a tree. For example, suppose you want to find the total size of all files in a folder called 61b
- What one might call "tree iteration" is actually called "tree traversal"
- Unlike lists, there are many orders in which we might visit the nodes
- Each ordering is useful in different ways
Tree Traversal Orderings
- Level Order
- Visit top-to-bottom, left-to-right (like reading in English)
- Depth First Traversals
- 3 types: Preorder, Inorder, Postorder
- Basic (rough) idea: Traverse "deep nodes" before shallow ones
- Note: Traversing a node is different than "visiting" a node
Depth First Traversals
preOrder(BSTNode x) {
if (x == null) return;
- Preorder traversal: "Visit" a node, then traverse its children
inOrder(BSTNode x) {
if (x == null) return;
- Inorder traversal: Traverse left child, visit, then traverse right child
postOrder(BSTNode x) {
if (x == null) return;
- Postorder traversal: Traverse left, traverse right, then visit
A Useful Visual Trick (for Humans, not algorithms)
- Preorder traversal: We trave a path around the graph, from the top going counter-clockwise. "Visit" every time we pass the LEFT of a node
- Inorder traversal: "Visit" when you cross the bottom of a node
- Postorder traversal: "Visit" when you cross the right of a node
What Good are all These Traversals
- Example: Preorder Traversal is natural for printing directory listings
- Example: Postorder Traversal for gathering file sizes
Trees and Hierarchical Relationships
- Trees are fantastic for representing strict hierarchical relationships
- But not every relationship is hierarchical
- Example: Paris Metro map
- The Paris Metro map is not a tree: It contains cycles!
Graph Definition
- A graph consists of:
- A set of nodes
- A set of zero or more edges, each of which connects two nodes
- Note, all trees are graphs
- A simple graph is a graph with:
- No edges that connect a vertex to itself, i.e. no "loops"
- No two edges that connect the same vertices, i.e. no "parallel edges"
- In 61B, "graph" refers to "simple graph" unless otherwise stated
Graph Type
- Directed Graph
- Each edge has a "directionality"
- Undirected Graph
- Acyclic Graph:
- A tree. A graph with no cycles
- Cyclic:
- A graph that contains a cycle
- With Edge Labels
Graph Terminology
- Graph
- Set of vertices, aka nodes
- Set of edges: Pair of vertices
- Vertices with an edge between them are adjacent
- Vertices or edges may have labels (or weights)
- A path is a sequence of vertices connected by edges
- A cycle is a path whose first and last vertices are the same
- A graph with a cycle is "cyclic"
- Two vertices are connected if there is a path between them. If all vertices are connected, we say the graph is connected
Graph Problems
Graph Queries
- There are lots of interesting questions we can ask about a graph:
- Shortest path between two nodes
- Longest path between two nodes without cycles
- Is there a tour that uses each node exactly once?
- Is there a tour that uses each edge exactly once?
Graph Queries More Theoretically
- Some well known graph problems and their common names:
- s-t Path. Is there a path between vertices s and t?
- Connectivity. Is the graph connected, i.e. is there a path between all vertices?
- Biconnectivity. Is there a vertex whose removal disconnects the graph?
- Shortest s-t Path. What is the shortest path between vertices s and t?
- Cycle Detection. Does the graph contain any cycles?
- Euler Tour. Is there a cycle that uses every edge exactly once?
- Hamilton Tour. Is there a cycle that uses every vertex exactly once?
- Planarity. Can you draw the graph on paper with no crossing edges?
- Isomorphism. Are two graphs isomorphic?
- Often can't tell how difficult a graph problem is without very deep consideration
Graph Problem Difficulty
- Some well known graph problems
- Difficulty can be deceiving
- An efficient Euler tour algorithm O(# edges) was found as early as 1873
- Despite decades of intense study, no efficient algorithm for a Hamilton tour exists. Best algorithms are exponential time
Depth-First Traversal
s-t Connectivity
- Let's solve a classic graph problem called the s-t connectivity problem
- Given source vertex s and a target vertex t, is there a path between s and t?
- Requires us to traverse the graph somehow
- One possible recursive algorithm for connected(s, t)
- Does s == t? If so, return true
- Otherwise, if connected(v, t) for any neighbor v of s, return true
- Return false
- What is wrong with it? Can get caught in an infinite loop
- How do we fix it?
- Mark s
- Does s == t? If so, return true
- Otherwise, if connected(v, t) for any unmarked neighbor v of s, return true
- Return false
- Basic idea is same as before, but visit each vertex at most once
- Marking nodes prevents multiple visits
Depth First Traversal
- This idea of exploring a neighbor's entire subgraph before moving on to the next neighbor is known as Depth First Traversal
- Called "depth first" because you go as deep as possible
The Power of Depth First Search
- DFS is a very powerful technique that can be used for many types of graph problems
- Another example:
- Let's discuss an algorithm that computes a path to every vertex
- Let's call this algorithm DepthFirstPaths
- Gaol: Find a path from s to every other reachable vertex, visiting each vertex at most once. dfs(v) is as follows:
- Mark v.
- For each unmarked adjacent vertex w:
- Now you're left with an artifact to compute paths from s to every other reachable vertex
Tree Vs. Graph Traversals
Tree Traversals
- There are many tree traversals
- Preorder
- Inorder
- Postorder
- Level order (non depth-first traversal)
Graph Traversal
- What we just did in DepthFirstPaths is called "DFS Preorder"
- DFS Preorder: Action is before DFS calls to neighbors
- Our action was setting edgeTo
- Preorders are equivalent to the order of dfs calls
- Could also do actions in DFS Postorder
- DFS Postorder: Action is after DFS calls to neighbors
- Equivalent to the order of dfs returns
- There are also many graph traversals, given some source:
- DFS Preorder
- DFS PostOrder
- BFS order: (Breadth first search) Act in order of distance from s
- Analogous to "level order". Search is wide, not deep
- Graphs are a more general idea than a tree
- A tree is a graph where there are no cycles and every vertex is connected
- Key graph terms: Directed, Undirected, Cyclic, Acyclic, Path, Cycle
- Graph problems vary widely in difficulty
- Common tool for solving almost all graph problems is traversal
- A traversal is an order in which you visit / act upon vertices
- Tree traversals:
- Preorder, inorder, postorder, level order
- Graph traversals:
- DFS preorder, DFS postorder, BFS
- By performing actions / setting instance variables during a graph (or tree) traversal, you can solve problems like s-t connectivity or path finding