Lecture 28: Reductions and Decomposition
Topological Sorting
Topological Sort
- Suppose we have tasks 0 through 7, where an arrow from v to w indicates that va must happen before w
- What algorithm do we use to find a valid ordering for these tasks?
- Perform a DFS traversal from every vertex with indegree 0, NOT clearing markings in between traversals
- Record DFS postorder in a list
- Topological ordering is given by the reverse of that list
- This algorithm fails if there is a cycle (There is no such thing as a topological sort with cycles)
- Another better topological sorting algorithm:
- Run DFS from an arbitrary vertex
- If not all marked, pick an unmarked vertex and do it again
Topological Sort
- The reason it's called a topological sort: Can think of this process as sorting our nodes so they appear in an order consistent with edges
- When nodes are sorted in diagram, arrows all point rightwards
Depth First Search
- Be aware, that when people say "Depth First Search", they sometimes mean with restarts, and they sometimes mean without
- For example, DepthFirstPaths did not restart but Topological Sort restarts from every vertex with indegree 0
Directed Acyclic Graphs
- A topological sort only exists if the graph is a directed acyclic graph (DAG)
Shortest Paths on DAGs
- Dijkstra's can fail with negative edges
- Try to come up with an algorithm for shortest paths on a DAG that works even if there are negative edges
- One simple idea: Visit vertices in topological order
- On each visit, relax all outgoing edges
- Each vertex is visited only when all possible info about it has been used!
The DAG SPT Algorithm: Relax in Topological Order
- We have to visit all the vertices in topological order, relaxing all edges as we go
Longest Paths
The Longest Paths Problem
- Consider the problem of finding the longest path tree (LPT) from s to every other vertex. The path must be simple (no cycles!)
- Some surprising facts
- The best known algorithm is exponential (extremely bad)
- Perhaps the most important unsolved problem in mathematics
The Longest Paths Problem on DAGs
- Difficult challenge
- Solve the LPT problem on a directed acyclic graph
- Algorithm must be O(E + V) runtime
- DAG LPT solution for solution G:
- Form a new copy of the graph G' with signs of all edge weights flipped
- Run DAGSPT on G' yielding result X
- Flip signs of all values in X.distTo (X.edgeTo is already correct)
Reduction (170 Preview)
DAG Longest Paths and Reduction
- The problem solving we just used probably felt a little different than usual
- Given a graph G, we created a new graph G' and fed it to a related (but different) algorithm, and then interpreted the result
- This process is known as reduction
- Since DAG-SPT can be used to solve DAG-LPT, we say that "DAG-LPT reduces to DAG-SPT"
Reduction Analogy
- As a real-world analog, suppose we want to climb a hill. There are many ways to do this:
- "Climbing a hill" reduces to "riding a ski lift"
- "If any subroutine for task Q can be used to solve P, we say P reduces to Q"
- Can also define the idea formally, but beyond scope of class
Reduction is More than Sign Flipping
- Let's see a richer example
The Independent Set Problem
- An independent set is a set of vertices in which no two vertices are adjacent
- The Independent-set Problem:
- Does there exist an independent set of size k?
- i.e. color k vertices red, such that none touch
THe 3SAT Problem
- 3SAT: Given a boolean formula, does there exist a truth value for boolean variables that obeys a set of 3-variable disjunctive constraints?
- Example: (x1 || x2 || !x3) && (x1 || !x1 || x1) && (x2 || x3 || x4)
- Solution: x1 = true, x2 = true, x3 = true, x4 = false
3SAT Reduces to Independent Set
- Proposition: 3SAT Reduces to Independent Set
- Proof: Given an instance A of 3-SAT, create an instance G of Independent-set
- For each clause in A, create 3 vertices in a triangle
- Add an edge between each literal and its negation (can't both be true in 3SAT means can't be in same set in Independent-set)
- Since IND-SET can be used to solve 3SAT, we say that "3SAT reduces to IND-SET"
- Note: 3SAT is not a graph problem!
- Note: Reductions don't always involve creating graphs
Reductions and Decomposition
- Arguably, we've been doing something like reduction all throughout the course
- Abstract lists reduce to arrays
- Percolation problem reduces to DisjointSets
- These examples aren't reductions exactly
- We aren't just calling a subroutine
- A better term would be decomposition: Taking a complex task and breaking it into smaller parts. This is the heart of computer science
- Using appropriate abstractions makes problem solving vastly easier