Lecture 35: Counting Sort and Radix Sorts
Comparison Based Sorting
- The key idea from our previous sorting lecture: Sorting requires Omega(N log N) compares in the worst case
- Thus, the ultimate comparison based sorting algorithm has a worst case runtime of Theta(N log N)
- What about sorts that don't use comparisons
Example 1: Sleep Sort (for sorting integers) (not actually good)
- For each integer x in array A, start a new program that:
- Sleeps for x seconds
- Prints x
- All start at the same time
- Runtime:
- The catch: On real machines, scheduling execution of programs must be done by operating system. In practice requires list of running programs sorted by sleep time
Example 2: Counting Sort: Exploiting Space Instead of Time
- Assuming keys are unique integers 0 to 11
- Idea:
- Create a new array
- Copy item with key i into ith entry of new array
Generalizing Counting Sort
- We just sorted N items in Theta(N) worst case time
- Avoiding yes/no questions lets us dodge our lower bound based on puppy, cat, dog
- Simplest case:
- Keys are unique integers from 0 to N-1
- More complex cases:
- Non-unique keys
- Non-consecutive keys
- Non-numerical keys
Implementing Counting Sort with Counting Arrays
- Counting sort:
- Count number of occurrences of each item
- Iterate through list, using count array to decide where to put everything
- Bottom line, we can use counting sort to sort N objects in Theta(N) time
Counting Sort Runtime
Counting Sort vs. Quicksort
- For sorting an array of the 100 largest cities by population, which sort do you think has a better expected worst case runtime in seconds?
- Quicksort is better
- Counting sort requires building an array of size 37832892 (population of Tokyo)
Counting Sort Runtime Analysis
- What is the runtime for counting sort on N keys with alphabet of size R?
- Treat R as a variable, not a constant
- Total runtime on N keys with alphabet of size R: Theta(N + R)
- Create an array of size R to store counts: Theta(R)
- Counting number of each item: Theta(N)
- Calculating target positions of each item: Theta(R)
- Creating an array of size N to store ordered data: Theta(N)
- Copying items from original array to ordered array: Do N items:
- Check target position: Theta(1)
- Update target position: Theta(1)
- Copying items from ordered array back to original array: Theta(N)
- Memory usage: Theta(N + R)
- N is for ordered array
- R is for counts and starting points
- Bottom line: If N is >= R, then we expect reasonable performance
- Empirical experiments needed to compare vs. Quicksort on practical inputs
Counting Sort vs. Quicksort
- For sorting really really big collections of items from some alphabet, which algorithm will be fastest?
- Counting Sort: Theta(N + R) (vs. Quicksort's Theta(N log N))
- For sufficiently large collections, counting sort will simply be faster
Sort Summary
- Counting sort is nice, but alphabetic restriction limits usefulness
- No obvious way to sort hard-to-count things like Strings
- Counting sort is also stable
LSD Radix Sort
Radix Sort
- Not all keys belong to finite alphabets, e.g. Strings
- However, Strings consist of characters from a finite alphabet
LSD (Least Significant Digit) Sort
- Sort each digit independently from rightmost digit towards left
- i.e. start from least significant digit and work towards left
LSD Runtime
- What is the runtime of LSD sort?
- Theta(WN + WR)
- N: Number of items
- R: Size of alphabet
- W: Width of each item in number of digits
Non-equal Key Lengths
- After processing least significant digit, we may have keys that aren't of the same length. Now what?
- When keys are of different lengths, can treat empty spaces as less than all other characters
Sorting Summary
- W passes of counting sort: Theta(WN + WR) runtime
- Annoying feature: Runtime depends on length of longest key
MSD Radix Sort
MSD (Most Significant Digit) Radix Sort
- Basic idea: Just like LSD, but sort from leftmost digit towards the right
- However, it requires a few modifications from LSD radix sort
- Key idea: Sort each subproblem separately
Runtime of MSD
- What is the Best Case of MSD sort (in terms of N, W, R)?
- We finish in one counting sort pass, looking only at the top digit: Theta(N + R)
- What is the Worst Case of MSD sort (in terms of N, W, R)?
- We have to look at every character, degenerating to LSD sort: Theta(WN + WR)
Sorting Runtime Analysis