Lecture 36: Radix vs. Comparison Sorting, Sorting and Data Structures Conclusion
Intuitive: Radix Sort vs. Comparison Sorting
Merge Sort Runtime
- Merge Sort requires Theta(N log N) compares
- What is Merge Sort's runtime on strings of length W?
- It depends!
- Theta(N log N) if each comparison takes constant time
- Example: Strings are all different in top character
- Theta(WN log N) if each comparison takes Theta(W) time
- Example: Strings are all equal
LSD vs. Merge Sort
- The facts
- Treating alphabet size as constant, LSD Sort has runtime Theta(WN)
- Merge Sort has runtime between Theta(N log N) and Theta(WN log N)
- Which is better? It depends
- When might LSD sort be faster
- Sufficiently large N
- If strings are very similar to each other
- Each Merge Sort comparison costs Theta(W) time
- When might Merge Sort be faster?
- If strings are highly dissimilar from each other
- Each Merge Sort comparison is very fast
Cost Model: Radix Sort vs. Comparison Sorting
Alternate Approach: Picking a Cost Model
- An alternate approach is to pick a cost model
- We'll use number of characters examined
- By "examined", we mean:
- Radix Sort: Calling charAt in order to count occurrences of each character
- Merge Sort: Calling charAt in order to compare two Strings
MSD vs. Mergesort
- Suppose we have 100 strings of 1000 characters each
- Estimate the total number of characters examined by MSD Radix Sort if all strings are equal
- For MSD Radix Sort, in the worst case (all strings equal), every character is examined exactly once. Thus we have exactly 100,000 total character examinations
- Estimate the total number of characters examined by Merge Sort if all strings are equal
- Merging 100 items, assuming equal items results in always picking left
- Total characters examined in a single merge operation: 50 * 2000 = 100,000 (= N/2 * 2000 = 1000N)
- In total, we must examine approximately 1000Nlog_2(N) total characters
- 100000 + 50000*2 + 25000*4 + ... = ~660,000
MSD vs. Mergesort Character Examinations
- For N equal strings of length 1000, we found that:
- MSD radix sort will examine ~1000N characters
- Mergesort will examine ~1000Nlog_2(N) characters
- If character examination are an appropriate cost model, we'd expect Merge Sort to be slower by a factor of log_2(N)
Empirical Study: Radix Sort vs. Comparison Sorting
Computational Experiment Results
- Computational experiment for W = 100
- As we expected, Merge sort considers log_2(N) times as many characters
- But empirically, Mergesort is MUCH faster than MSD sort
- Our cost model isn't representative of everything that is happening
- One particularly thorny issue: The "Just In Time" (JIT) Compiler
An Unexpected Factor: The Just-In-Time Compiler
- Java's Just-In-Time COmpiler secretly optimizes your code when it runs
- The code you write is not necessarily the code that executes!
- As your code runs, the "interpreter" is watching everything that happens
- If some segment of code is called many times, the interpreter actually studies and re-implements your code based on what it learned by watching WHILE ITS RUNNING (!!)
- Example: Performing calculations whose results are unused
Rerunning Our Empirical Study Without JIT
Computational Experiments Results with JIT disabled
- Results with JIT disabled (using the -Xint option)
- Both sorts are MUCH slower than before
- Merge sort is slower than MSD (though not by as much we predicted)
- What this tells us: The JIT was somehow able to massively optimize the compareTo calls
- Makes some intuitive sense: Comparing "AAA...A" to "AAA...A" over and over is redundant
So Which is Better? MSD or MergeSort?
- We showed that if the JIT is enabled, merge sort is much faster for the case of equal strings, and slower if JIT is disabled
- Since JIT is usually on, I'd say merge sort is better for this case
- Many other possible cases to consider:
- Almost equal strings (maybe the trick used by the JIT won't work?)
- Randomized strings
- Real world data from some dataset of interest
- In real world applications, you'd profile different implementations of real data and pick one
Bottom Line: Algorithms Can be Hard to Compare
- Comparing algorithms that have the same order of growth is challenging
- Have to perform computational experiments
- Experiments can be tricky due to optimizations like the JIT in Java
- Note: There's always the chance that some small optimization to an algorithm can make it significantly faster
Radix Sorting Integers (61C Preview)
Linear Time Sorting
- As we've seen, estimating radix sort vs. comparison sort performance is very hard
- But in the very large N limit, it's easy. Radix sort is simply faster!
- Treating alphabet size as constant, LSD Sort has runtime Theta(WN)
- Comparison sorts have runtime Theta(N log N) in the worst case
- Issue: We don't have a charAt method for integers
- How would you LSD radix sort an array of integers
- Convert into a String and treat as a base 10 number. Since the maximum Java int is 2,000,000,000, W is also 10
- Could modify LSD radix sort to work natively on integers
- Instead of using charAt, maybe write a helper method like getDthDigit(int D, int d). Example: getDthDigit(15009, 2) = 5
LSD Radix Sort on Integers
- Note: There's no reason to stick with base 10!
- Could instead treat as a base 16, base 256, base 65536 number
- Ex: 512,312 in base 16 is a 5 digit number
- Ex: 512,312 in base 256 is a 3 digit number
Relationship Between Base and Max # Digits
- For Java integers:
- R=10, treat as a base 10 number. Up to 10 digits
- R=256, treat as a base 256 number. Up to 4 digits
- $ = 65335, treat as a base 65536 number. Up to 2 digits
- Interesting fact: Runtime depends on the alphabet size
- As we saw with the city sorting last time, R = 2147483647 will result in a very slow radix sort (since it's just counting sort)
Another Counting Sort
- Results of a computational experiment:
- Treating as a base 256 (4 digits), LSD radix sorting integers easily defeats Quicksort
Sorting Summary
Sorting Landscape
- Three basic flavors: Comparison, Alphabet, and Radix based
- Comparison based algorithms:
- Selection -> If heapify first -> Heapsort
- Merge
- Partition
- Insertion -> If insert into BST, equiv. to Partition
- Small-Alphabet (e.g. Integer) algorithms:
- Radix Sorting algorithms (require a sorting subroutine)
- LSD and MSD use Counting as a subroutine
- Each can be used in different circumstances, but the important part was the analysis and the deep thought!
Sorting vs. Searching
- We've now concluded our study of the "sort problem"
- During the data structures part of the class, we studied what we called the "search problem": Retrieve data of interest
- There are some interesting connections between the two
- Search-By-Key-Identity Data Structures
- Sets and Maps:
- 2-3 Tree (Uses compareTo(), Analogous to Comparison-Based)
- RedBlack Tree (Uses compareTo(), Analogous to Comparison-Based)
- Separate Chaining (Searches using hashCode() and equals(), Roughly Analogous to Integer Sorting)
- Tries (searches digit-by-digit Roughly Analogous to Radix Sorting)