Lecture 37: Compression
Zip Files, How Do They Work?
- File is unchanged by zipping / unzipping
Compression Model #1: Algorithms Operating on Bits
- In a lossless algorithm we require that no information is lost
- Feed in to compression and then decompression algorithm
- Text files often compressible by 70% or more
Prefix Free Codes
Increasing Optimality of Coding
- By default, English text is usually represented by sequences of characters, each 8 bits long
- Easy way to compress: Use fewer than 8 bits for eac letter
- Have to decide which bit sequences should go with which letters
- More generally, we'd say which codewords go with which symbols
More Code: Mapping Alphanumeric Symbols to Codewords
- Example: Morse code
- Goal: Compact representation
- Note:
- Can think of dot as 0, dash as 1
- Operators pause between codewords to avoid ambiguity
- Pause acts as a 3rd symbol
- Alternate strategy: Avoid ambiguity by making code prefix free
Prefix-Free Codes [Example 1]
- A prefix-free code is one in which no codeword is a prefix of another
- e.g. T = 1, E = 01, A = 001
Prefix-Free Codes [Example 2]
- space: 111, E: 010, T: 1101, A: 1011
Prefix Free Code Design
- Observation: Some prefix-free codes are better for some texts than others
- It'd be useful to have a procedure that calculates the "best" code for a given text
Code Calculation Approach #1 (Shannon-Fano Coding)
- Count relative frequencies of all characters in a text
- Split into "left" and "right" halves of roughly equal frequency
- Left half gets a leading zero. Right half gets a leading one
- Repeat
- Shannon-Fano coding is NOT optime. Does a good job, but possible to find "better" codes
Huffman Coding
Code Calculation Approach #2: Huffman Coding
- Calculate relative frequencies
- Assign each symbol to a node with weight = relative frequency
- Take the two smallest nodes and merge them into a super node with weight equal to sum of weights
- Repeat until everything is part of a tree
Huffman Coding Data Structures
Prefix-Free Codes
- Question: For encoding (bitstream to compressed bitstream), what is a natural data structure to use? Assume characters are of type Character, and bit sequences are of type bitSequence. Two approaches:
- Array of BitSequence[], to retrieve, can use character as index
- Question: For decoding (compressed bitstream back to bitstream), what is a natural data structure to use?
- We need to look up longest matching prefix, an operation that Tries excel at
Huffman Coding in Practice
Huffman Compression
- Two possible philosophies for using Huffman Compression:
- For each input type, assemble huge numbers of sample inputs for that category. Use each corpus to create a standard code for English, Chinese, etc
- For every possible input file, create a unique code just for that file. Send the code along with the compressed file
- What are some advantages/disadvantages of each idea? Which is better?
- Approach 1 will result in suboptimal encoding
- Approach 2 requires you to use extra space for the codeword table in the compressed bitstream
- For very large inputs, the cost of including the codeword table will become insignificant
- In practice, Philosophy 2 is used in the real world
Huffman Compression Steps
- Given input text:
- Count frequencies
- Build encoding array and decoding trie
- Write decoding trie to output
- Write codeword for each symbol to output
Huffman Decompression Steps
- Given input bitstream:
- Read in decoding trie
- Use codeword bits to walk down the trie, outputting symbols every time you reach a leaf
Huffman Coding Summary
- Given a file X.txt that we'd like to compress into X.huf:
- Consider each b-bit symbol of X.txt, counting occurrences of each of the 2^b possibilities, where b is the size of each symbol in bits
- Use Huffman code construction algorithm to create a decoding trie and encoding map. Store this trie at the beginning of X.huf
- Use encoding map to write codeword for each symbol of input into X.huf
- To decompress X.huf:
- Read in the decoding trie
- Repeatedly use the decoding trie's longestPrefixOf operation until all bits in X.hug have been converted back to their uncompressed form
Compression Theory
Compression Algorithms (General)
- The big idea in Huffman Coding is representing common symbols with small numbers of bits
- Many other approaches:
- Run-length encoding: Replace each character by itself concatenated with the number of occurrences
- LZW: Search for common repeated patterns in the input
- General idea: Exploit redundancy and existing order inside the sequence
- Sequences with no existing redundancy or order may actually get enlarged
Comparing Compression Algorithms
- Different compression algorithms achieve different compression ratios on different files
Universal Compression: An Impossible Idea
- There is no universal compression algorithm
- Intuitive idea: There are far fewer short bitstreams than long ones
A Sneaky Situation
- Universal compression is impossible, but comparing compression algorithms could still be quite difficult
- As a model for the decompression process, let's treat the algorithm and the compressed bitstream as a single sequence of bits
- Can think of the algorithm + compressed bitstream as an input to an interpreter. Interpreter somehow executes those bits
- At the very "bottom" of these abstractions is some kind of physical machine